Provide Social Support
To biological families
- Counseling, advice and orientation by State and NGO structures, to help families meet their needs and assert their rights while supporting their children’s right to protection, financial support and legal identity.
- Helping mothers to define and carry out their life goals with their children.
- Reconciliation with the children biological fathers and families if so desired.
To temporary host families :
- Granting them allowances relying on the child’s health.
- Specific help when possible.
- Free healthcare in institutions of the Ministry of Public Health for children in custody.
- Follow up and assistance by a multi-disciplinary team from the Institute of the child education and aptitude for integrating a new social and family environment.
To adoptive families within adoption or child-in custody framework
- Helping them get ready and prepare a favorable family environment to host a child.
- Helping them understand the needs of the chil.
- Helping them complete adoption or custody procedures.
Provide shelter to children without family support
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